Virtual Cocktail Robot Award 1.0 at Cyland

Due to the CYBERFEST the first virtual entry ever appeared for our befriended organizers of the Roboexotica, the wirldwide onliest Cocktail-Robotics Festival held yearly in Vienna, Austria. Therefore last sunday the Annual Cocktail Robot Award (ACRA) was live-streamed to Cyland, and Misprint Thursday, a member of Brooklyn is watching, won the price with her wonderful Wodkabot! Although qDot Bunnyhug astonished and amazed all of us, when he on sunday afternoon connected his real life cocktail-robot with prims in SL, to start the RL-machine inworld. For that reason famous Hamlet Au visited Cyland and wrote on his blog New World Notes about Roboexotica! And the entry by Pinkpink in the category "other achievements" is also to be mentioned: it´s about her ashtrays: Shotbot, a reprap built at Metalab in Vienna, printing 3D shot-glasses, was given the sculpty-file from one of her inworld ashtrays, done in sculptypaint, converted with 3D Studio Max into an STL file, and realized it!! She was totally excited about it and now can "wear" it as a ring! :P

Misprint Thursday and her VCRA trophy

infront: Wodkabot - behind: Real life Krach der Roboter soundperformance

Shotbot - reprap.soup
